Shipping & Returns



Our policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since  your purchase unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. 

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it with attached tags.

To complete your return, please send a copy of the invoice, and items must be sent back to the return address on the shipping label. 

 To return your product write us an email at and we will respond to your request from there. 

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

You will be refunded within 24 hours of the Received item as long as in proper condition.


All orders are typically fulfilled within 2-3 business days for shipping. And typically delivers within a week. Pricing for shipping is determined at checkout.
Please note: Expedited shipping does not change processing time, your shipment time will vary once processing is completed.